Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) is medicinal herb which is used in preparation of various Ayurvedic medicines. In Ayurveda it is describes as most important blood purifier. It is a climbing vine and its roots are used for medicinal purpose. It is helpful in removing toxins or Ama present in blood. These toxins are responsible for various skin diseases and joint disorders. Manjishtha helps in balancing aggravated Pitta in the body. It is hot in potency. Manjishtha has an astringent, thermogenic, antidysenteric, galactopurifier, rejuvenating and anthelmintic activities.

General Information
- Latin name: Rubia cordifolia Linn. sensu Hook. f. (Rubiaceae)
- Sanskrit: Manjistha, Kama meshika, Yojanavalli
- Hindi: Manjistha, Manjit
- English: Indian Madder
- Kannada: Chitravalli
- Malayalam: Manchatti, Manjatti
- Tamil: Ceevalli
- Telugu: Tamravalli
- Trade name: Indian Madder
Benefits and uses of Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)
- It is a tonic.
- It is excellent in treating skin problems such as uneven pigmentation of the skin, hyperpigmentation, pimples, scabies, skin allergies, eczema, etc.
- It is useful in reducing swelling of joints like in rheumatoid arthritis.
- It improves appetite and useful in treating diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding ulcers, dyspepsia, parasitic worms, etc.
- It improves body immunity to fight infections.
- It is helpful in purifying breast milk.
- It is helpful in treating fevers, intestinal ulcers and recurrent urinary tract infection UTI.
You can buy Pure herb extract from Himalaya Drug Company in tablet form.
Himalaya Manjishtha tablet contain 250 mg extract of Rubia cordifolia.
Dear Sir,
Is it useful for eczema on hands?
250mg twice a day but for how long?
3 months
Respected sir, useful for plaque psoriasis?
No sure for psoriasis, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor