Mahatiktaka Ghrita (Synonym: Mahathikthakam Ghrutham, Maha Tikta ghrita) is poly-herbal, medicated Ayurvedic ghee. It is alterative and tonic for health. Mahatikta ghrita is indicated in various diseases. Its use gives relief in boil, rashes, pus discharge and similar skin diseases. Mahatikta ghrita is also prescribed in the treatment of hyperacidity, jaundice, vaat-rakta or gout, chronic fever and bleeding piles.
The preparation of Ayurvedic ghee requires mainly three essential components viz. Drava (a liquid which may be one or more as Kashaya, Svarasa, Dugdha, Mastu, etc., Kalka (a fine paste of the drug(s) ) and Sneha dravya (Ghee). For preparing medicated ghee, the decoction, kalkas (paste of drugs) of herbs are boiled in ghee according to formula. The processing is done for absorbing the therapeutic principle absorption in ghee.
Here is given more about Mahatiktaka Ghrita such as indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.
Key Ingredients of Mahatiktaka Ghrita
Below is given complete list of ingredients.
- Saptacchada (Saptaparna) Alstonia scholaris (St. Bk.) 6 g
- Prativisha (Ativisha) Aconitum heterophyllum (Rt. Tr.) 6 g
- Sampaka (Aragvadha) Cassia fistula (Fr. P.) 6 g
- Tiktarohini (Katuka) Picrorhiza kurroa (Rt./Rz.) 6 g
- Patha Cissampelos pariera (Rt.) 6 g
- Musta Cyperus rotundus (Rz.) 6 g
- Ushira Vetiveria zizanioides (Rt.) 6 g
- Haritaki (P.) 6 g
- Bibhitaka (P.) 6 g
- Amalaki (P.) 6 g
- Patola Trichosanthes dioica (Lf./Pl.) 6 g
- Picumarda (Neem) (St. Bk.) 6 g
- Parpataka (Parpata) Fumaria indica (Pl.) 6 g
- Dhanvayasa Alhagi pseudalhagi (Pl.) 6 g
- Chandana (sveta chandana) (Ht. Wd.) 6 g
- Pippali (Fr.) 6 g
- Gajapippali Piper chaba (Fr.) 6 g
- Padmaka Prunus poddum(Ht. Wd.) 6 g
- Haridra Haldi (Rz.) 6 g
- Daruharidra Daruhaldi (St.) 6 g
- Vaca Acorus calamus (Rz.) 6 g
- Vishala (rakta indravaruni) (Fr.) 6 g
- Satavari (Rt. Tr.) 6 g
- Sveta Sariva (Rt.) 6 g
- Krishna Sariva (Rt.) 6 g
- Vatsaka bija (Kutaja) (Sd.) 6 g
- Vasa (Rt.) 6 g
- Murva Marsdenia tinescsima (Rt.) 6 g
- Amrita giloy (St.) 6 g
- Kiratatikta Swertia chiraita (Pl.) 6 g
- Yashtyahvaya Licorice (Rt.) 6 g
- Trayamana Gentiana kurroa (Pl.) 6 g
- Water 6.144 l
- Amrita phala rasa (Amalaki) (P.) 1.536 l
Ghrita (Goghrita) 768 g
- Kalka Dravya: Above given herbs from 1 to 32.
- Sneha Dravya: Ghrita
- Drava Dravya: Jal/water, Amalaki ras
Uses of Mahatiktaka Ghrita
Mahatiktaka Ghrita is useful in the treatment of a variety of diseases. It is a good medicine for the skin diseases (leprosy, leucoderma).
Mahatiktaka Ghrita is indicated in Amlapitta (Dyspepsia), Pandu Roga (Anemia), Raktapitta (Bleeding disorder), Visarpa (Erysipelas), Kushtha (Diseases of the skin), Arsha (Haemorrhoids), Raktarsha (Bleeding haemorrhoids), Vatarakta (Gout), Visphota (Blister), Pama (Eczema), Pidaka (Carbuncle), Menorrhagia or Metrorrhagia or both, Gandamala (Cervical lymphadenitis).
The Dosage of Mahatiktaka Ghrita
The recommended dosage of Mahatiktaka Ghrita is 6-12 grams, twice a day with hot water or Giloy kwath for 2 months or as directed by a physician. Avoid salt, chili, oil, sour food items.
Very useful. Thanks.
My dr suggested me to apply it on my lips as i have a skin problem of lips skin continuosly get cracked n gets sheded rapidly.
did it help for your lips?