Mahamanjishthadyarishta is an Ayurvedic medicine containing Manjishtha, Musta, Kutaj, Giloy, Daru haridra, Murwa mool, Rakta Chandan, Anant Mool, Neem-twak, Sariva, Bharangi, Trifala, Kutki, Khadir, Dhai Ke Phool, Vidanga, Shatavari, Jaggery (Gud), etc. This medicine is an excellent blood purifier and indicated in treating various skin diseases such as pimples, boils, eczema, leprosy, syphilis, Elephantiasis, and obesity.
Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.
Know About Asava/Asavam & Arishtam/Arista
Arishtha are made from the decoctions of formulated herbs, the medium of sugar for fermentation and fermenting microorganisms known as yeast from the flowers which contain the wild species of yeast such as Dhataki (Woodfordia fructicosa) or Mahua (Madhuka indica) flowers.
The usual proportion of the ingredients is thirty-two seers of water, twelve seers and a half of treacle, six seers and a quarter of honey, and one seer and a quarter of medicinal substances in powder or decoction. The ingredients are placed in air-tight earthen jars for fermentation for at least six months to generate ethyl alcohol in the solution.
This is the way to preserve decoction of herbs and thus avoiding the need to prepare fresh decoction every time.
Difference Between Asava and Arishtha
Asava differs from the Arishtha in the method of preparation. Asavas are infusions and Arishtas are decoctions.
If raw medicinal herbs are steeped in water only for fermentation, the product is Asava, however, they are steeped in decoctions of particular substances, the product is Arishta. Asavas are weak alcoholic preparations prepared by infusing the drugs, in cold water and allowing to undergo fermentation with the help of raw sugar or honey. BUT the above difference in Arishtas and Asava is not true in all cases. Some Asava is prepared by decoction and some Arishtha from the infusion.
Arishtha and Asava contain self-generated alcohol in a very mild proportion, the actual alcohol percentage varying from 6 or 7 to 10 or 12, according to the ingredients used.
The Asava and Arishtha are named after the typical major ingredient it contains e.g. the Arishtha which has Manjishtha as the main ingredient is Mahamanjishthadyarishta.
Common properties of Asava-Arishtha
All Asava and Arishtha have few common properties. They promote the strength of the body and mind, enkindle the digestive fire, cure insomnia, grief .and improve digestion and assimilation.
- They are stimulants. As such, they are heating.
- They are stomachic and easily digestible.
- They are easy to assimilate.
- They work as a vehicle along with other medicines to improve bioavailability.
- They are added with spices that not only improve their taste but also their assimilation.
- They are particularly good for the treatment of Vata and Kapha problems.
- They are hot and penetrating.
Manufacturer: Classical Medicine manufactured by many pharmacies.
Nature of Product: Self-generated alcoholic preparation/medicinal wines
Availability: Online and at medical stores
Type of medicine: Classical Medicine
Main Indication: Toxins in the body, Skin diseases
Ingredients of Mahamanjishthadyarishta
Each 15 ml contains:
Water Extract from Manjith, Nagarmotha, Kutaj Chhal, Giloy, Kuth, Sonth, Bharangi, Choti Kateri, Bach, Neem Chhal, Haldi, Daruhaldi, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amalki, Parwal Ke Patte, Kutki, Murva Mool, Vaividang, Vijaysar, Sal, Shatavari, Banphsha, Gorakhmundi, Indrajav, Vasaka, Bhringraj, Devdaru, Aknadipatha, Khair, Rakt Chandan, Nishoth, Varun Chhal, Karanj Chhal, Khush, Indrayan Mula, Dhamasa, Anantmula, Pittpapda EACH 0.135 Gram
- Gur/Jaggery 4.747 gram
- Dhaiphool 0.473 gram
Know the Ingredients
Manjishtha, Indian Madder or Rubia cordifolia, is one of the most important herbs for treating skin diseases due to its liver supporting and detoxifying properties. Removing harmful substances and poisons from the body is known as Detoxification. Our body is exposed to toxins present food (pesticides, food additives), environment (chemicals), digestive health issues (the liver problems, indigestion, constipation, etc.).
Toxic substance accumulation in the body over the time is responsible for various chronic diseases such as chronic urticaria, allergies, arthritis, asthma, chronic infections, depression, diabetes, headaches, heart disease, high cholesterol, digestive disorders, mental illness, arthritis, and skin diseases. The symptoms of toxins in the body also include skin eruptions, urticaria, rash, cough, diarrhea, clogged sinus, fever, irritability, etc.
The accumulated toxins especially affect our skin by triggering immune inflammatory reactions and results in psoriasis, eczema, and other eruptions on the skin. Blood impurities cause the skin to turn dark. There are rashes, acne, and pimples. The skin appears dull and glows less. The removal of these toxins from the body helps to treat chronic conditions. The cleansing helps to improve overall health and skin condition.
Manjishtha is especially useful in eczematous dermatosis, diseases of the spleen, obstinate skin diseases, erysipelas, and oedema. It is an excellent aid for the promotion of complexion. It is deobstruent and tonic to the liver and spleen.
Manjishtha root is sweet, bitter, acrid, astringent, thermogenic, anti-dysenteric, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, anodyne, anthelmintic, antiseptic, constipating, diuretic, galactopurifier, rejuvenating and tonic.
Triphala (Amla, Haritaki, Vibhitaki/Baheda) is used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is a tonic for the whole body. It is being used in various gastric disorders including intestinal inflammation. Amla, has significant acid lowering, cooling, and anti-ulcer properties. Triphala is a rich source of tannins, which is known to affect the integrity of the mucus membrane. Tannins with their protein precipitating and vasoconstriction effects could be advantageous in preventing ulcer development.
Triphala tones and strengthens the digestive tract and promote regular and complete the evacuation of the bowels. They also help increase the digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients from the food.
Guduchi / Giloy / Tinospora cordifolia is recommended for diabetes, burning sensation, fever, edema, etc. It has been scientifically validated in various animal models for hypoglycemic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and other pharmacological activities. The aqueous and alcoholic extract of the plant has been shown to improve glucose tolerance. It has hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant and analgesic activity and reduces the burning sensation. It helps to clean the liver. It is a broad spectrum pitta-reducing herb that destroys toxins and strengthens immunity.
Devdaru has analgesics and anti-inflammatory action.
Vidang / Embelia ribes Burm / false black pepper, is a medicinal plant with anthelmintic (Krimighna), ascaricidal (kills roundworm), carminative, antibacterial, antibiotic, hypoglycemic, antifertility, antibacterial and febrifuge properties. It is the main herb used in Ayurveda for the treatment of intestinal parasites. It is useful in all abdominal disorders, constipation, gas, indigestion, piles, etc.
Ayurvedic Action / Karma
- Kaphavatashamak: Pacifies aggravated Vata and Kapha.
- Kusthaghna: herbs which treat skin diseases.
- Rakta shodhana (rakta prasadana): herbs which clean the blood and change its chemistry so that it does not cause inflammatory problems.
- Shodhana: herbs which actually clear the excess doshas out of the body.
- Varnya: Increases the glow of complexion or establishes normal glow.
- Vishaghna: Cures various types of symptoms caused by poison and complications arising therefrom.
Biomedical Action
- Anti-inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
- Antioxidant: Neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.
- Appetizer: Improves appetite.
- Depurative: Purifying agent.
- Emmenagogue: Stimulates or increases menstrual flow.
- Tonic: Restore or improve health or well-being.
Benefits of Mahamanjishthadyarishta
- It removes toxins from the body.
- It gives relief in Vata and KApha ROga.
- It increases Pitta and helps in better digestion and assimilation.
Important Therapeutic Uses of Mahamanjishthadyarishta
- Acne, pimple
- Age Spots
- Boils
- Carbuncles
- diseases of the skin
- eczema
- impurities of blood
- Kapha/Vata disorders
- leucoderma, leprosy
- scabies
- urticaria
The Dosage of Mahamanjishthadyarishta
- It is Asava-Arishta type of medicine of Ayurveda.
- It is taken in a dose of 12 ml to 24 ml.
- It is taken after mixing with an equal amount of water.
- It can be taken after having breakfast and dinner. Or should be taken as directed by a doctor.
- Include fruits, milk, light, and nutritious food in the diet.
- Do not eat spicy, oily, stale and heavy to digest food.
Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings
- This medicine is very bitter in taste due to the presence of Manjith, Giloy, Neem, haldi, Kutki, Kutaj, and similar herbs.
- Shake well before use and store away from direct sunlight.
- This medicine should not be taken empty stomach. Always take after meals after mixing an equal amount of water.
- This is herbal medicine. Therefore, it is safe to take.
- It contains raisins and jaggery (used while preparation). Therefore, it is not suitable for a diabetic person.
- It contains self-generated Alcohol not more than 12.0% v/v.
- It is hot and penetrating.
- It is contraindicated in bleeding disorders and ulcers.
- It is contraindicated in Pitta Prakriti people.
- It may cause gastric irritation, excess heat inside the body, sweating, hot flashes, acidity, and acid reflux.
- For hyperacidity, take along with other cooling medicines.
- A person may feel feverish when this medicine is taken in excess.
- It should not be taken during pregnancy.
Do not expect magic. Ayurvedic medicines take time to correct the condition as they work on the root cause of the problem. Also, try to find the real cause of the ailment.
As a general rule, do not give any herbal medicine which is meant to be used by an adult person to children without consulting doctor.
Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.
The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.
Keep away from the sight and reach of children.
In the case of Urticaria also known as Sheeta Pitta (cold bile disease), first, treat intestinal worms. Also avoid temperature variations such as drinking cold water after taking exercise, exposing the body to cold when it is hot, exposure to cold wind or mental excitement.
Asava and Arishtha are medicated vine and has a very long shelf life.
Pharmacies Making Mahamanjishthadyarishta
You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores. Since it is a classical medicine, it is manufactured by many Ayurvedic pharmacies.
Name of some of the Ayurvedic Pharmacies manufacturing this medicine is given below:
Baidyanath (Mahamanjishthadyarishta) Price: 450 ml for Rs. 110 /-
Dabur Mahamanjishthadyarishta
and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.
Can we use mahamanjishtharishta along with khadirarishta.