Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya) is a herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine contains Shuddha Parad, Shuddha Gandhak, Abhrak Bhasma, Dahtura/ Thorn apple seeds, Cannabis seeds, and other ingredients.
Laxmi Vilas Ras, is a Rasayan and useful in the treatment of wide variety of diseases such as skin diseases, all types of Prameha, wounds, piles, fistula, filaria, all type of Kapha rog, diseases of brain, mouth, and sexual disorders.
It is a Ras Aushadhi. Mercury is known as Rasa in Ayurveda and medicines that are prepared using purified mercury, purified Sulphur, Bhasma, etc. are named as Ras Aushadhi (Mercurial Preparations). Para, Parad, Rasa or mercury is a heavy metal that remains liquid at room temperature. It is used in Ayurveda only after proper detoxification as per classical Ayurvedic texts. Parad is ingredient of numerous medicines due to its powerful medicinal properties. It balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Ras Aushadhi (Parad containing medicine) are fast acting. They nourishes the whole body and has Tonic, aphrodisiac, rejuvenative, anti-aging, wound-healer, and antimicrobial effect. The combination of mercury with other medicinal ingredients enhances the therapeutic efficacy of the medicine due to Yogvahi property of Parad.
In preparation of Ras Aushadhi/medicine first Kajjali is made from purified Parad and Gandhak. As these medicines contain heavy metals, it is better to take them as prescription drugs.
Laxmi Vilas Ras, contains detoxified minerals-metals, cannabis seeds, Datura seeds and therefore it is recommended to take this medicine in the recommended dosage, under medical supervision.
Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.
Ingredients of Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
This medicine is referenced from Bhaishajyaratnavali, Rasayanadhikara.
- Krishnabhra (Abhraka) bhasma 48 g
- Rasa (Parada) Shuddha 24 g
- Gandhaka Shuddha 24 g
- Chandra (Karpura) (Sub. Ext.) 12 g
- Jatikosha (Jatiphala) (Ar.) 12 g
- Jatiphala (Sd.) 12 g
- Vriddhadaraka (Vriddhadaruka) (Sd.) 12 g
- Dhusturaka (Dhattura) (Sd.) 12 g
- Trailokya vijaya (Vijaya) -bija (Bhanga) (Sd.) 12 g
- Vidari mula (Rt. Tr.) 12 g
- Narayani ( shatavari) (Rt. Tr.) 12 g
- Nagabala (Rt.) 12 g
- Atibala (Rt.) 12 g
- Gokshuraka (Gokshura) (Fr.) 12 g
- Nicula bija (Sd.) 12 g
- Parna Patra (Nagavalli) (Lf.) Q.S. (for mardana)
Benefits of Laxmi Vilas Ras
- It is a broad spectrum medicine.
- It is a Rasayan (Rejuvenative tonic;nourishes all dhatu and builds Ojas).
- It has anti-pyretic, aphrodisiac, expectorant, antiseptic and stomachic activities.
- It cures all types of fever.
- It is an excellent medicine to treat cough of any type, asthma, coryza, sinusitis, fever due to cough, pain in lungs, inflammation in lungs, congestion, pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, influenza, etc.
- It is useful in all twenty types of Prameha.
- It has aphrodisiac property and increases libido.
- It is beneficial in premature ejaculation, and sperm disorders.
- It gives strength to heart.
- It cures various diseases of the head, skin, and genito-urinary system.
- It improves hemoglobin level, gives strength and nutrition, and cures diseases.
- It is useful in low libido, spermatorrhoea, impotence, and sexual debility.
Uses of Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
- Udara (Diseases of abdomen/ enlargement of abdomen)
- Prameha (Urinary disorders)
- Dhatu Kshaya (Tissue wasting)
- Urdhvanga Roga (Disorders of Head and brain)
- Guda Roga (Anorectal disease)
- Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano)
- Nadivrana (Fistula)
- Kushtha (Diseases of the skin)
- Vrana (Ulcer)
- All kinds of shlipada (Filariasis)
- Gala-shosha (Dryness in throat)
- Kasa (Cough)
- Yakshma (Tuberculosis)
- Pinasa (Chronic rhinitis/sinusitis)
- Antra Vriddhi (Hernia)
- Atisar (Diarrhoea)
- Amavata (Rheumatism)
- Glossal palsy
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Disorders of Mouth Ear Nose and Eyes
- Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
- Sthaulya (Obesity)
In one trial, 5 240 cases of bronchial asthma were administered Nardiya Lakshmi Vilas rasa and Godanti Bhasma in a dose of 0.5 and 1.0 g, respectively, three times/day with honey for a varying period of 4 to 12 weeks. Ninety-six patients received 100% relief, 27 patients received 75% relief, 50 patients received 50% relief, 18 cases received 25% relief, and 28 remained unchanged;21 cases left against medical advice.
The Dosage of Laxmi Vilas Ras (Nardiya)
1 tablet/ 250 mg, 2-4 a day before the meal. The adjuvant or anupan with which medicine should be taken depends on diseases to be treated. It should be taken with, ginger juice + honey, for chronic fever and diseases due to vitiation of Vata Dosha/ for intermittent fever with Pippali churna + Honey/ Betel leaf juice + hone/ butter/ honey/ milk or take as directed by a physician.
Please note, the doses of Ayurvedic medicines are not fixed. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.
Ayurvedic medicines containing detoxified, toxic material/ poisonous substances, heavy metals should be taken only under medical supervision.
You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores.
This medicine is manufactured by Baidyanath (Lakshmivilas Ras Nardiya), Dabur (Dabur Lakshmi Vilas Ras), Patanjali Divya Pharmacy (Divya Laxmi Vilas Ras), Prince Pharma (Laxmi Vilas Ras Nardiye), Shree Dhanwantri (Laxmivilas Rasa Nardiya), Shri Dhootapapeshwar Limited (Laxmivilas Naradeeya), and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.