Kulathadi Kashayam is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine is useful in the treatment of period irregularity. Kulathadi kashaya is is also helpful in detoxifying body and improving digestion. It pacifies aggravated Vata and Kapha, but increases pitta.
Here is given more about Kulathadi Kashayam such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.
Key Ingredients of Kulathadi Kashayam
Kulatha(Dolichos biflorus), Garlic(Alium cepa), Eranda(Ricinus communis), Til(Sesamum indicum)
Decoction or soup of Kulthi(Horsegram) is the main ingredient of this medicine. It used in affections of the liver and spleen, intestinal colic, in leucorrhoea and menstrual disorders, urinary discharges. It is also a great protein supplement. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the decoction of dry seeds in calculus and amenorrhoea.
Garlic(Alium cepa) is very useful in regulation of menstruation and improves fertility.
Sesame is divine herb in many cutlers worldwide, used as health food and medicine this herb is used in all form of natural therapies.
Uses of Kulathadi Kashayam
Kulathadi Kashayam is indicated for treating period related problems. It is prescribed for irregular menstruation, Amenorrhoea and Polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS. There are many other good Ayurvedic medicines to treat PCOS.
The Dosage of Kulathadi Kashayam
The recommended dosage of Kulathadi Kashayam is 5-15 ml twice a day. Or as directed by a physician.
Can this medicine be taken when trying for pregnancy with pco and having regular periods
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