Kukkutandatvak (kukkut-and-attvak) bhasma is ayurvedic medicine of animal origin. Kukkutandatwak means outer shell of hen’s egg. This medicine is prepared from hen’s egg shell. It is rich in natural calcium and has anti-inflammatory effects. This medicine is a rich source of calcium and minerals such as magnesium, copper, zinc, etc. Since it is a natural and not synthetic it get easily absorbed in the body.
Kukkutandatwak bhasma is used in various ailments such as raktapradara, prameha, mutraroga, vata vikara and mansik daurbala. This medicine has properties of Rasayana, balya, and shaktivardhaka.
Ingredients of Kukkutandatvak bhasma
Hen’s Egg Shell Calx, Bhavana dravya- Changeri swaras, Singraph, Ghee kuwar ras
Uses of Kukkutandatvak bhasma
- Leucorrhoea (Sveta pradara)
- Menstruation problems
- Seminal defects in men
- Calcium deficiency, osteoporosis
- Rickets in children
- Improves bone density, bone formation
- Relieves bone and joint pains
- Gives strength
- Good for the digestive system
- Aphrodisiac
The Dosage of Kukkutandatvak bhasma
250 mg. to 375 mg with mishri, butter or honey twice a day.