Hyponidd Tablet For Diabetes and PCOS

Hyponidd Tablet is proprietary herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine from Charak Pharma Pvt Ltd. It has an antioxidant anti-diabetic, and blood sugar and lipid lowering effect. It is a useful medicine for managing diabetes, menstrual irregularities and PCOS (Poly cystic ovary syndrome).

Here is given more about this medicine, such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.

  • Brand: Charak Pharma Pvt Ltd.
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Proprietary
  • Price: ₹94.00 for 30 tablets
  • Main Indication: PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) and diabetes

Ingredients of Hyponidd Tablet

Each tablet contains

  1. Yashad Bhasma 37.5 mg
  2. Shilajit (Purified asphaltum) 37.5 mg
  3. Karela (Momordica charantia) 12 mg
  4. Extracts derived from
  5. Haridra (Curcuma longa) 300 mg
  6. Tarwar (Cassia auriculata) 225 mg
  7. Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) 150 mg
  8. Jamun (Eugenia jambolana) 150 mg
  9. Mamejavo (Enicostemma littorale) 112.5 mg
  10. Meshashringi (Gymnema sylvestre) 112.5 mg
  11. Vijaysaar (Pterocarpus marsupium) 75 mg
  12. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 75 mg
  13. Neem (Melia azadirachta) 75 mg
  14. Kirat Tikta (Swertia chirata) 12 mg

Key Ingredients

1) Yashada bhasma / Jasad bhasma, is Zinc Based Ayurvedic Metallic Preparation. It is useful in various diseases including anorexia, weight loss, growth retardation, various skin dystrophies, sprue, leucorrhea, impaired glucose metabolism and diabetes.

2) Shilajit is made of decomposed centuries-old plants and rocks under pressure. In Ayurveda, for medicinal purpose detoxified Shilajit is used which is known as Shuddha Shilajit. It is an adaptogen and a major Ayurvedic rejuvenation tonic. It improves digestion and assimilation. In Ayurveda, it is considered a medicine which has the ability to cure every disease. It is a highly condensed minerals and amino acid. It slows aging and degeneration.

3) Shilajit works on the reproductive organs. It control blood sugar level, and improves immunity. It gives relief in chronic disorders, body pain, and diabetes. Its intake gives physical, mental and sexual power.

4) Bitter melon / Karela (Momordica charantia family Cucurbitaceae) is well-known bitter anti-diabetic herb. The fruits and seeds of this plant are been reported to exert hypoglycemic effect. It contains several chemical constituents, including the glycosides (mormordin and charantin) and alkaloid (mormordicine). It also contains an insulin-like polypeptide called Polypeptide-P. Polypeptide-P has been designated as the ‘plant insulin which lowers blood sugar levels when injected subcutaneously gerbils, langurs and diabetic patients.

5) Gudmar (Gymnema sylvestre, family Asclepiadaceae), is a woody climber found in central and peninsular India. It is one of the main herb used in Ayurveda to treat diabetes due to its hypoglycemic activities. For the medicinal purpose roots and leaves of the plant are used. The chewing of leaf lowers cholesterol, triglycerides, lipid and blood sugar level. Gudmar controls the sugar level as it increases insulin secretion, regenerates islet cells, increases utilization of glucose, and inhibits absorption of sugar from intestine.

6) Gudmar is bitter, acrid, anodyne, anthelmintic, antipyretic, astringent, cardiotonic, digestive, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, laxative, stimulant, stomachic, uterine tonic. It used in Ayurveda for treating amenorrhea, asthma, bronchitis, cardiopathy, conjunctivitis, constipation, cough, dyspepsia,piles, hemorrhoids, hepatosplenomegaly, inflammations, intermittent fever, jaundice, and diabetes.

7) Neem (also known as Margosa, nim, nimba, nimbatiktam, arishtha, praneem) is a tonic and a revitalizer, it works effectively in the treatment of diabetes. It has been found to reduce insulin requirements by up to 50% for diabetes, without altering blood glucose level.

8) It significantly reduce insulin requirements for insulin dependent diabetes and have also been scientifically proved to be effective in treating and preventing diabetes. The possible mechanism of anti-hyperglycemic effect of Neem leaf was found to be reduction in peripheral utilization of glucose and suppression of glycogenolytic effect due to epinephrine action.

9) Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) is also known as Guduchi, Amrita, Amritavalli, Madhuparni, Guduchika, Chinnobhava, Vatsadani, Tantrika, Kundalini, Chakralakshanika (Sanskrit), Gurcha (Hindi), Garo, Galac (Gujarati), Thippateega (Telugu),Amrita, Gilo (Kashmiri), Chittamrutu (Malayalam), Guluchi (Oriya), Gilo (Punjabi), Seendal, Seendil Kodi (Tamil), Siddhilata, Amarlata (Assamese). It is one of the most important medicinal plant and the forms an important drug of the Ayurvedic system of Medicine. It is a Rasayana herb. It has adaptogen, immunostimulant, antioxidant, anticancer and antidiabetic properties.

Biomedical Action

  1. Insulin sensitizer: Reduces insulin resistance, improves the sensitivity of cells to the metabolic effects of insulin.
  2. Antiandrogenic: Prevent expression of the biologic effects of androgenic (male) hormones.
  3. Antihyperglycemic: Counteracting high levels of glucose in the blood.
  4. Hypolipidemic: Promot the reduction of lipid concentrations in the serum.
  5. Anti-diabetic: Preventing or alleviating diabetes.
  6. Antioxidant: Neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.

Benefits of Hyponidd Tablet

  1. It contains natural antioxidants and rejuvenators.
  2. It lowers resistance for insulin.
  3. It controls blood sugar level.
  4. It protects from kidney and heart diseases.
  5. It protects from diabetic complications.
  6. It helps in the management of PCOS.
  7. It regulates periods.
  8. It can be taken as herbal treatment of PCOD.

Uses of Hyponidd Tablet

  1. Prediabetes, mild diabetes mellitus
  2. Adjuvant in diabetes
  3. Preventing Diabetes complication
  4. Managing normal blood glucose level
  5. Presence of Glucose in urine, protein in urine
  6. Menstrual irregularities, PCOS patients taking hormonal therapy
  7. Long-term management of PCOS

The Dosage of Hyponidd Tablet


  1. For Prediabetes (blood sugar level is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes, Fasting blood glucose of 100 – 125 mg/dl; OGTT blood glucose 140 mg/dl – 199 mg/dl.), take 1 tablet twice daily, half-an-hour before the meals or as directed by the Physician.
  2. For diabetes, take 2-3 tablets twice/thrice daily half-an-hour before the meals.
  3. In Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS): The recommended dose is 2 tablets twice daily half-an-hour before the meals for 3-6 months or as directed by the physician.
  4. Hyponidd is a herbal medicine containing natural ingredients. It is safe to take this medicine for months.

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