Ulat Kambal is used in Ayurvedic system of medicine for the treatment of gynaecological disorders. Abroma augusta is a perennial tree found throughout India from Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, eastwards to Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and in Southern India. It is mainly found in hot and moist environment.This plant has soft hair like structures on leaves and stem which causes itching when touched. Its trade name is Ulat kambal.

Botanical name: Abroma augusta (L) Lt.
Synonym: Ambroma augusta Linn. f.;Abroma augulata Lam., A. wheeleri Retz., A. fastuosum Gaertn., Theobroma augusta L.
Family: Sterculiaceae
Vernacular names
Assamese: Bon kopashi;Hindi, Bengali and Unani: Ulat kambal;Tamil: Sivapputtutti;Trade name: Ulat kambal;Folk: Kumal, Sanukapaasi;English: Perennial Indian Hemp, Devil’s Cotton.
Distribution of Ulat Kambal
This plant is distributed through out India up to 1500 m. It is also found in Bangladesh, Pakistan and the adjacent countries.
About the plant
Devil’s Cotton is a shrub or a small tree which reaches height of 1.8 to 3.6 m. Although plant can grow up to height of 9 m in wild. The plant propagates through seeds and stem cuttings. The plant has small hairs that can cause dermatitis. This shrub requires fertile soil with good drainage and well distributed rainfall. The flowers are about 5 cm in diameter. These are dark red, purple or yellow in color. The Seeds are many, small, blackish, covered with silky hairs
Ulat Kambal is a medicinal plant. Its root bark has emmenagogue properties. Emmenagogue are agent that stimulates or increases menstrual flow. The roots are used as uterine tonic and for regulation of menstrual flow. The fresh root-bark juice is useful in congestive and neuralgic forms of dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, urinary trouble, bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia, carbuncles and poisonous boils.
The root of the plant contains abromine (betaine), friedelin, abromasterol, abromasterol A, choline, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and octacosanol.
Leaves of the plant contains taraxerol and lupeol and useful in treating uterine disorders. Leaves are also useful in the treatment of diabetes, rheumatic pain and sinusitis.
For the medicinal purpose, the recommended dosage of leaf juice is 10-20 ml and root bark powder is 3-6 grams.
Medicinal uses of Devil’s Cotton (Abroma augusta)
Gynaecological Problems, Scanty Menstruation, Irregularity in Periods
The roots of Abroma augusta is taken and boiled in water for preparing decoction. For making decoction, 5 gram root is boiled in 400 ml water. This is cooked till water reduces to 100 ml. This is filtered and taken twice a day regularly.
It helps to balance hormones level and regulates menstruation.
Excessive bleeding during periods, pelvic pain during menstruation
The leaves of Abroma augusta tree are useful in treating over bleeding. For this purpose, extract 5 ml juice of Ulat Kambal leaves and drink 2-3 times a day. This will also cure pelvic region pain.
Female infertility due to unexplained reason
This tree is helpful in improving chances of conceiving in women, who are suffering from infertility due to unknown reasons, despite normal reports. For this purpose, all five parts(Panchang) of the tree are collected. These are shade dried and then powdered. This powder is taken in amount of 5 grams with black pepper 1 grams. It is boiled in water and decoction is prepared. Regular intake of this decoction helps to improve chances of conceiving.
Ulet kambal are more beneficial in menstrual disorders in ayurvadic theropey it bark give good result