BGR-34 Uses and Dosage To Control Diabetes

CSIR has developed this product for controlling elevated blood sugar level in diabetes. BGR 34 has antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihyperglycemic, cardio protective, and adaptogenic properties. Learn how to use this herbal formulation.

BGR-34, is a polyherbal Ayurvedic Blood Glucose Regulator(Control diabetes by regulating blood sugar level), prepared from six medicinal plants viz. Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Vijaysar (Pterocarpus marsupium), Gudmar (Gymnema sylvestre), Manjeestha (Rubia cordifoila) and Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum). The intake of this medicine collectively releases 34 active phytoconstituents in the recipient body.

It is developed by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (Ministry of Science and Technology). CSIR has developed this product for controlling elevated blood sugar level in diabetes. BGR 34 has antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihyperglycemic, cardio protective, and adaptogenic properties.

The research technology is transferred to AIMIL Pharmaceuticals and available as Aimil BGR 34 Tablets.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Medicine type: Herbal
  • Developed by: Research units of CSIR, Govt. of India (National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) and Central Institute for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP)
  • Type: Anti-diabetic
  • Availability: tablets, granules
  • Licensed to: Aimil
  • Significance of name: BGR= Blood Glucose Regulator, 34 = active plant compounds present in the medicine.
  • Disease: Diabetes

Health Benefits of Aimil BGR-34

  1. It is a blood glucose regulator.
  2. It regulates glucose and lipid metabolism.
  3. It converts proinsulin to insulin.
  4. It provides improves glucose tolerance.
  5. It repairs and revives the beta cells of pancreas.
  6. It reduces health complication due to diabetes.
  7. It controls excessive thirst and urination.
  8. It protects heart and tones functions of pancreas.
  9. It has significant antioxidant effect.
  10. It is herbal medicine based on Ayurvedic principles.
  11. It is scientifically proven.
  12. It is clinically tested.
  13. It is tested for toxic effects.

Ingredients of BGR-34

BGR-34, contains 34 Phytoconstituents derived from 6 medicinal plants well-known and proven for managing blood glucose level.

What are Phytochemicals?

Phytochemicals are the chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants (phyto = plant).They are non-nutritive bioactive substances which have beneficial effect on human health.

Each tablet (620 mg) contains, following ingredients:

Daruharidra / Daruhaldi (Berberis aristata)

Daruhaldi Dried Aqueous Extract (1150 mg) and powder (50 mg)

  • Berberine – Potent DPP4 inhibitor
  • Berbamine – Blood glucose regulator
  • Palmatine – Blood glucose regulator
  • Dehydrocheilanthifoline- Insulin secretagogues
  • 8- oxo berberine -Regulates glucose homeostasis
  • Columbamine – Insulin secretagogues
  • Jatrorrhizine – Insulin secretagogues

Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)

Dried Aqueous Extract (375 mg) and powder (25 mg)

  • Rubiadin – Potentiates insulin effect due to increased peripheral utilization of glucose.
  • Purpurin – Strong anti-oxidant action
  • Xanthopurin – Strong anti-oxidant action
  • Manjistin – Immuno potentiating effect
  • Pseudopurin – Immuno potentiating effect

Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Dried Aqueous Extract (350 mg) and powder (25 mg)

  • 4 hydroxy isoleucine -Insulinotropic Activity
  • Galactomannan -Regulates glucose homeostasis and exerts diabetes induced cataract.
  • α- tocopherol – Reduces level of glycosylated haemoglobin.
  • Fenugreekine -Maintains blood glucose by slowing down metabolism
  • Scopoletin – Blood glucose regulator
  • Trigonelline – Blood glucose regulator

Vijaysar (Pterocarpus Marsupium)

Dried Aqueous Extract (400 mg) and powder (25 mg)

  • Pterostillbene- Exerts regranulation of pancreatic β cells
  • Marsupin – Insulinogenic
  • Pterosupin – Insulinogenic
  • Liquirtigenin- Insulinogenic
  • Epicatechin- converts pro insulin to insulin.
  • Quercitin- Blood glucose regulator
  • Myrcetin- Blood glucose regulator
  • Isoliquirtigenin-Anti-hyperglycaemic

Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)

Dried Aqueous Extract (350 mg) and powder (25 mg)

  • Palmatine – insulin mimicking effect
  • Jatrorrhizine – insulin mimicking effect
  • Magnoflorine – -Insulin releasing effect

Gudmar (Gymnema sylvestre)

Dried Aqueous Extract (400 mg) and powder (25 mg)

  • Gymnemic acid -Modulates incretin activity & regeneration of pancreatic cells and delays glucose absorption in blood.
  • Gurmarin – Incretin mimicking action, delays absorption of glucose and interferes with ability of taste buds to differentiate between bitter and sweet.
  • Gymnemagenin – Maintains blood glucose homeostasis and anti-oxidant action.
  • Dihydroxy gymnemic triacetate -Insulin secretagogues
  • Isoquinoline – Insulin secretagogues

Also contains: Shuddha Shilajit

Clinical Study

A double blind placebo controlled clinical trial of BGR-34 in patients with mild to moderate diabetes mellitus was carried out. The study was done on 48 patients (30 male and 18 females) with type 2 diabetes mellitus. There were 24 patients in the BGR-34 group (drug arm) and 24 patients in the placebo group (placebo arm).

The study concluded, BGR-34 showed very promising results with respect to glycemic parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. There was a significant improvement in the feeling of well-being due to better control of hyperglycemia. The various mechanisms through which the drug showed these results may be attributed to delay in absorption of glucose from GIT, Inhibition of Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) accumulation and enhancing insulin release and conversion of pro insulin to insulin. It is further suggested that BGR-34 should be further extensively used as a mono therapy/adjunctive therapy for the regulation/ control of blood glucose level.

Important Therapeutic Uses of BGR-34

This medicine is used in diabetes for better control of sugar level and reducing the chances of diabetes complications.

The Dosage of BGR-34

Take 2 tablets two times day, half an hour before the meals.


Rs. 505 for 100 tablets (So Rs. 5 per tab)

Safety Profile

Study on various Biochemical parameters of treated groups suggest the efficacy & safety of the formulation, BGR-34 in terms of Liver functions, Kidney functions and lipid profile & general behavior of experimental subjects.


  1. Great article thanks for sharing this great information about BGR-34

  2. Hello, my sugar levels 15mil… Can I use this kind of medicine?

  3. Anupama, is there any side efects, i have type 2 diabetic, please advice

  4. Very good article Anupama. MedicJar is one more online store for BGR-34 tablets.

  5. George Pearson

    I am a border case type 2 66 yrs can I take this and if so dosage

  6. I have started BHR 34 today I.e. on 28.5.17 can any one tell that about my allopathic medicine to be taken or not. In how many days I shall get the fruitful result

  7. I have placed an order to get BGR-34 online. I am diabetic type -2 patient, taking alopathic medicine daily 2 times,. (Cetapin 1000mg, Avas-20, Diamicron-60, Telma-40) Should I take BGR-34 in parallel with the above medicine or I have to stop that and take only BGR-34, please reply soon as my medicine is on the way.

  8. Dr.Rajat Goswami

    How can I get this medicine online?

  9. Dear sir. I read your page abour bgr34. I need bgr 34. This polyharbal medicine good for type 2 diabatic patants thanks reply. Shafiqul Islam.

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