Balark Ras Benefits, ingredients, dosage

Balark Rasa(Sadharan) is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine useful in the treatment of Balrog (pediatric problems). Know it's ingredients and usage details.

Balark Rasa is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine useful in the treatment of Balrog (pediatric problems). This medicine is alterative, tonic and gives relief in diseases due to Vata-Kapha derangement, diarrhea, intestinal parasites, fever, vomiting, bal shosh, etc.

This medicine contains herbomineral ingredients, therefore it is highly recommended to give this medicine only under medical supervision, in the recommended dosage and for a prescribed duration. This page is intended to give you the correct information about this medicine. Do not use this information to self-diagnose and self-medicate.  Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Reference Text: Siddha Yog Sangraha, Bal Rogadhikar
  • Synonyms (spelled as): Balarka Rasa
  • Availability:  Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Classical Medicine
  • Suitable for: Children; to be given only in medical supervision in precise dose and for short term.
  • Dosha Effect: Balances Kapha and Vata

This medicine is available in two forms and both differ in terms of ingredients.

Balark Ras (Ord.): Ordinary or Sadharan

Balark Ras (KeGY): Keshar-Gorochan Yukt / containing Gorochan and Saffron

Ingredients of Balark Ras

  1. Balark Ras (Ord.): Without Gorochan
  2. Kharpar Bhasma or Yashad Bhasma (Substitute) 1 Part
  3. Praval Bhasma 1 Part
  4. Shring Bhasma 1 Part
  5. Shuddha Hingul 1 Part
  6. Kachoor Powder 1 Part
  7. Processed in Brahmi Swaras / Juice

Balark Ras (KeGY): Keshar-Gorochan Yukt / Containing Gorochan and Saffron

  1. Kharpara Bhasma or Yashad Bhasma (Substitute) 1 Part
  2. Praval Bhasma 1 Part
  3. Shring Bhasma 1 Part
  4. Shuddha Hingul 1 Part
  5. Kachoor Powder 1 Part
  6. Gorochan 1 Part
  7. Kesar 1 Part
  8. Processed in Brahmi Swaras

All ingredients are taken in equal amount and triturated in Brahmi Juice for one day and rolled into pills of size 1 Ratti or 125mg.

Know the Ingredients

Kharpara Bhasma:

Kharpara is Carbonate of zinc / Zinc subcarbonate / Zinc Carbonate. Chemically it was found to consist of carbonate and silicate of zinc with traces of other metals such as iron, baryta, etc. Kharpara Bhasma is prepared by blending powdered Shuddha (purified) Kharpar with an equal quantity of Parad. The mixture is then cooked in Baluka yantra for one entire day to obtain Kharpar Bhasma.

Kharpar Bhasma is used internally as a nervine Tonic, alterative and externally as dusting powder due to its soothing, protective and astringent action.

Yashad (Jasad) Bhasma:

Yashad (Jasad) Bhasma is an Ayurvedic preparation of Yashad / Jasta or Zinc. It is a especially processed zinc and useful in sprue, diabetes, leucorrhea, and hyperhidrosis. Zinc deficiency is also responsible for impaired glucose metabolism, retarded growth and weakness of eyesight. Intake of Yashad Bhasma cures Zinc deficiency and thus improves body immunity to fight infections.

Pravala Bhasma:

Praval Bhasma is an Ayurvedic preparation of Praval or Red Coral (Corallium rubrum and several related species of marine coral). Praval Bhasma gives energy, strengthens the blood, and help to build flesh. It is indicated in cough, asthma, swelling of glands, etc.

Shringa/Shrunga Bhasma:

Shring (Shrunga / MrigShringa / Mrug Shrung) refers to stag’s horn. Shringa Bhasma is indicated in pneumonia, cough, chest pain and angina.

Shuddha Hingula:

Hingula or Shingraf is the preparation of Cinnabar (very heavy mineral ore of mercury, Red Sulphide of Mercury). In Ayurveda, Shuddha Hingula or Purified Cinnabar is prepared by grinding cinnabar with goat’s milk for over six hours, followed by grinding the mixture with lime juice for one hour. This process is repeated seven times until a fine powder is obtained.  It is considered Tonic, alterative, purgative, antiphlogistic and antiseptic. Hingula is bitter, astringent and pungent. It cures eye diseases, aggravated kapha as well as pitta, hrillasa (nausea), kustha (obstinate skin diseases including leprosy), jvara (fever), Kamala (jaundice) plihan (splenic disorders), amavata (rheumatism) and gara (poisoning).


Gorochana (also known as Serpent stone, gall-stone, Gaorohan, Gorochanamu) refers to is a concretion found in the stomach and in the gall-bladder of an ox or cow and occurs as light, yellowish or green, solid or spherical concretions.

Gorochana has laxative, anti-spasmodic, cholagogue, cooling, and aromatic action. It is indicated in measles, smallpox, fever, whooping cough, watery stools, and cholera symptoms. Gorochana is also indicated in convulsions, hysteria, spasmodic diseases, melancholia and intestinal disorders with the deficient secretion of bile and miscarriage. It is given to infants in case of green stools.


Kesar (Keshar, Saffron, Zafran) consists of the dried ends of the styles with their attached stigmas. It is a stimulant, anti-spasmodic, and emmenagogue. It is used for fevers and enlargement of the liver. It is valuable for catarrhal ailments of children.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Balark Ras

This medicine is indicated in BAL-ROG (PAEDIATRIC PROBLEMS).

  1. Bal Shosh (also known as Sukhndi Rog, Rickets disease)
  2. Convulsions (Aakshepaka)
  3. Diarrhea, dysentery, watery stools
  4. Fever
  5. Intestinal Worms
  6. Soft bones
  7. Vomiting
  8. Weakness
  9. Whooping cough

The Dosage of Balark Ras

The recommended dosage of medicine is 62.5 mg to 125 mg twice or thrice a day with honey or water or as directed by a physician.

This medicine is manufactured by Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan and Unjha.

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings

Ayurvedic medicines containing detoxified, toxic material/ poisonous substances, heavy metals should be taken only under medical supervision.

It is highly recommended to give this medicine only when prescribed by Ayurvedic doctor.

Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.

The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humour, and weight.

Keep away from the sight and reach of children.

Overdose can be harmful.

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