Ayaskriti Ayurvedic Medicine Benefits and Dosage

Ayaskriti medicine is useful in various diseases such as skin diseases, piles, diabetes, obesity, grahni, anemia, and intestinal parasites, etc. It is also useful in reducing weight.

Ayaskriti is an Ayurvedic formulation containing iron. Ayas means Lauha Dhatu (iron metal) and Kriti means Creation, that which is made. It is a specific metal processing technique developed in ancient times to make iron suitable for internal use. It is made of a number of medicinal plants and plant parts along with metallic iron.

Ayskriti is made using Kwatha Dravya, Sandana Dravya, and Prakshepaka Dravya. All the ingredients of Kwatha Dravya are taken in a quantity of 960 grams each and mixed with 98 liters of water. The ingredients of Sandana Dravya are 9.6 kg of Jaggery and 1.6 liters of Honey. The Prakshepaka Dravya are taken at 48 grams each and pure iron foil.

The Kwatha Dravya (herbs for decoction) are made into Kashayam (decoction) by boiling in water till the quantity is reduced to one-fourth of the original volume and cooled. The Kashayam is stained and then jaggery, honey and Prakshepa Dravya (paste of herbs) are mixed. Red hot iron foils are repeatedly immersed in the resultant liquid till it melts.

The prepared fluid is closed tightly is a vessel and kept for fermentation for a month. The resultant mixture is Ayaskriti which is filtered and stored in glass bottles for use as medicine.

The unique method to prepare this medicine is given in Charak Samhita (Mentioned as Loha Rasayanam) and Sushruta Samhita (Mentioned as Ayaskriti). Sushruta described its dose as digestion dependent (Dose Agni Bala), time of administration after digestion of food and Anupana (fluid vehicle) Honey and Ghrita.

Ayaskriti recommended by Sushruta and Vagbhata is useful in Sthula Prameha (Non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) with Pandu Roga (anemia) as upadrava. Upadrava means which manifest after the genesis of the main disease. It is one which occurs in the course of some other disease, although it may result from the main disease. Upadrava of Prameha involves Daurbalya (Debility), Arochaka (Anorexia), Angamarda (Body pain), Kasa (Cough), Shosha (Depletion) and Panduroga (Anemia).

Ayaskriti is available in liquid form and mainly used in anemia, weight loss therapy, skin diseases, etc. It has anti-kapha properties. Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Reference Text: Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Asthang Hridayam
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Classical Medicine
  • Main Indication: Diabetes, metabolic disorders, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption disorders, hemorrhoids, leukoderma, and anemia.
  • Dosha effect: Reduces Vata and Kapha

Safety Profile: A study done for the safety profile of the medicine. The Serum Creatinine & Blood Urea, LFT, CBC, ECG and CXR before & after treatment is measured. There was no unwanted effect on the major metabolic organs of the body. Therefore, Ayaskriti is safe in regards to renal function, the liver function & cardiac function.

Ingredients of Ayaskriti

  1. Asana Pterocarpus marsupium (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  2. Tinisha Anogeissus lactifolia (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  3. Bhurja Betula utilis (St.Bk.) 960 g
  4. Shvetavaha Calotropis procera (St.Bk.) 960 g
  5. Prakirya (Lata Karanja) Sapindus trifoliatus (Sd.) 960 g
  6. Khadira Acacia catech (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  7. Kadara (Shveta Khadira) Acacia polyantha (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  8. Bhandi (Shirisha) (St.Bk.) 960 g
  9. Shishapa Dalbergia sisoo (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  10. Meshashringi Prosopis spicegera (Lf.) 960 g
  11. Pitachandana Santalum album (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  12. Raktachandana Pterocarpus santalinus (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  13. Shvetacandana (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  14. Tala Borassus flabellifer (Fl.) 960 g
  15. Palasha Butea monosperma (Sd.) 960 g
  16. Jongaka (Agaru) Aquilaris agallocha (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  17. Shaka Grewia populifolia (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  18. Shala Shorea robusta (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  19. Kramuka Phyllanthus reticulates (Sd.) 960 g
  20. Dhava (St.Bk.) 960 g
  21. Kalinga (Kutaja) Holarrhena antidysenterica (Sd.) 960 g
  22. Chagakarna (Ajakarna) Acacia leucophloea (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  23. Ashvakarna Cassia fistula (Ht.Wd.) 960 g
  24. Water for decoction 98.304 l. reduced to 24.576 l.
  25. Guda 9.600 kg

Prakshepa Dravyas

  1. Kshaudra (Madhu) 1.536 kg
  2. Vatsaka (Kutaja) Holarrhena antidysenterica (St.Bk.) 48 g
  3. Murva Marsdenia tenacissima (Rt.) 48 g
  4. Bharngi Clerodendron serratum (Rt.) 48 g
  5. Katuka Picrorrhiza kurroa (Rz.) 48 g
  6. Maricha Piper nigrum (Fr.) 48 g
  7. Ghunapriya (Ativisha) Aconitum heterophylum (Rt.) 48 g
  8. Gandira Coleus forskohlii (Rz.) 48 g
  9. Ela (Sukshmaila) Ela Elettaria cardamomum (Sd.) 48 g
  10. Patha (Rt.) 48 g
  11. Ajaji (Shveta jiraka) Carum carvi (Fr .) 48 g
  12. Katvanga (Araluka) phalam Oroxylum indicum (St.Bk.) 48 g
  13. Ajamoa (Ajamoda) Trchyspermum roxburghianum (Fr.) 48 g
  14. Siddhartha (Sarshapa) Brassica alba (Sd.) 48 g
  15. Vacha Acorus calamus (Rz.) 48 g
  16. Jiraka Cuminum cyminum (Fr.) 48 g
  17. Hingu Ferula foetida (Exd.) 48 g
  18. Vidanga Emblia ribes (Fr.) 48 g
  19. Pashugandha Cleome gynandra (Rt.) 48 g
  20. Pippali Piper longum (Fr.) 48 g
  21. Pippali mula Piper longum (Rt.) 48 g
  22. Chavya Piper retrofractum (St.) 48 g
  23. Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica (Rt.) 48 g
  24. Nagara (Shunthi) Zingiber officinale (Rz.) 48 g
  25. Tikshnaloha Patra (Lauha) Pure iron foil 768 g

Pralepana Dravyas – for internal coating

  1. Pippali Churna (Fr.) Q.S.
  2. Kshaudra Q.S.
  3. Ghrita Q.S. for external coating
  4. Jatu (Laksha) (Res.Enc) Q.S

Method of Preparation:

  1. A decoction of Asanadi Gana (drugs 1 to 23) is first prepared.
  2. Jaggery and honey (drugs 25 and 26) are added to the decoction.
  3. Kalka of Vatsakadi Gana Drayas (drugs 27 to 49) is made separately and added to the decoction.
  4. The decoction is then poured into a pot previously smeared with honey, powder of long pepper and ghee from inside and coated with Laksha from outside.
  5. This pot is cooked on the bundle of barley.
  6. Sheets of iron should be made red-hot and cooled down (twenty-one times) by immersing them into the said decoction of the drugs. The process is repeated till the iron is powdered completely and gets mixed with the decoction.
  7. Then the mouth of the pot is well-covered with a lid for a period of one month (in winter) or a fortnight (in summer).
  8. When fermentation is completed, the contents are filtered.
  9. Prepared medicine is Ayaskriti.

Ayurvedic Action of Ayaskriti

  1. Deepan: Enkindles the digestive fire.
  2. Kaphavatashamak: Pacifies aggravated Vata and Kapha.
  3. Krimighn: Worm destroying.
  4. Kushthhagn: Removes skin diseases.
  5. Kusthaghna: herbs which treat skin diseases.
  6. Lekhaniya: Scraping property.
  7. Pandughna: Used in anemia.
  8. Prameha: Useful in diabetes.
  9. Raktadoshahar: blood purifying
  10. Shothahar: Removes inflammation.

Biomedical Action of Ayaskriti

  1. Anthelmintic: Antiparasitic, expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body.
  2. Anti-hyperglycemic: Counteracting high levels of glucose in the blood.
  3. Anti-hyperlipidemic: Promoting a reduction of lipid levels in the blood.
  4. Anti-inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
  5. Anti-obesity: Reduces obesity.
  6. Appetizer: Improves appetite.
  7. Bronchodilator: Dilates the bronchi and bronchioles, decreasing resistance in the respiratory airway and increasing airflow to the lungs.
  8. Carminative: Preventing the formation or causing the expulsion of flatulence.
  9. Digestive: Digestant.
  10. Hepatoprotective: Protects the liver.
  11. Hypocholesterolemic: Cholesterol-lowering.
  12. Restorative Tonic: helps to restore health and strength.

Benefits of Ayaskriti

  1. It improves metabolism and assimilation.
  2. It contains iron and helps to increase the hemoglobin level.
  3. It leads to recovery of Kushtha, Meha (urinary complaints), obesity, edema, jaundice, insanity, and epilepsy.
  4. It reduces obesity, oedema and improves the impaired digestive functions.
  5. It is especially efficacious in cases of phthisis (Rajya Yakshma).
  6. It will control blood sugar level and improves the clinical symptoms along with weight loss.
  7. It cleans the body channel and enhances mobilization of blood sugar from central to peripheral compartment either by decreasing insulin resistance or by increasing insulin secretion, due to which there is better control of blood sugar with least side effect and complication.
  8. It reduces Serum Cholesterol & Serum TG level in patients Type-2 diabetes.
  9. It can maintain blood sugar level for the long term.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Ayaskriti

  1. Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
  2. Aruchi (Tastelessness)
  3. Blood Tonic
  4. Grahani (Malabsorption syndrome)
  5. Krimi (Helminthiasis/Worm infestation)
  6. Kushtha (Diseases of the skin)
  7. Metabolic disorders
  8. Pandu (Anemia)
  9. Prameha (Urinary disorders)
  10. Shvitra (Leucoderma/Vitiligo)
  11. Sthaulya (Obesity)
  12. Type-2 Diabetes

The Dosage of Ayaskriti

  1. It is taken in a dose of 12 ml to 24 ml.
  2. It is taken after mixing with an equal amount of water.
  3. It can be taken after having breakfast and dinner. Or should be taken as directed by a doctor.

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings

  1. Always take in recommended doses. A higher dose may cause a burning sensation, gastric discomfort, and irritation.
  2. Avoid in pregnancy.
  3. Do not eat salty and acidic food items.
  4. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.
  5. Keep away from the sight and reach of children.
  6. This medicine is to be taken under medical supervision.
  7. This medicine should be given according to the strength of the patient, symptoms, and vitiation of Dosha.
  8. Though this medicine is considered safe, if you feel any side-effect or this medicine does not suit you, please discontinue.

Pharmacies Making Ayaskriti

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores. Since it is a classical medicine, it is manufactured by many Ayurvedic pharmacies of South India.

Name of some of the Ayurvedic Pharmacies manufacturing this medicine is given below:

  • AVP Ayaskrithi
  • Kerala Ayurveda Ayaskriti
  • Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Ayaskriti
  • Nagarjuna Ayaskrithi (Ayaskriti)
  • Vaidyaratnam Ayaskrithi
  • and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.

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