Ashokarishta for Irregular Periods, PCOS, Pregnancy and Weight loss

Know how to treat irregular periods, PCOS, gynecological problems using Ashokarishta. This is excellent Ayurvedic medicine made from natural ingredients. Learn about directions to use, dosage and side effects of Ashokarishta. Is Ashokarishta helps to conceive and What is Dabur and Patanjali Ashokarishta price?

Ashokarishta is a herbal classical Ayurvedic medicine containing the bark of Ashoka tree as the chief ingredient. It is one of the most popular remedies for ‘female disorders’ or for menstrual disorder and female hormonal imbalances.

It has Kashaya (astringent) Ras (taste) and Raktstambhak (controls bleeding). It is mainly indicated in controlling excessive bleeding in the menstrual cycle. Ashoka is the best remedy for heavy periods due to its secretion reducing properties.

Also, Read Pradarnashak Churna for female health

It contains estrogenic compound or phytoestrogen and hence balances estrogen levels, stop bleeding, and support the restoration of the endometrium. Phytoestrogens are a naturally-occurring plant nutrient that exerts an estrogen-like action on the body. They are structurally and/or functionally similar to mammalian estrogens and their active metabolites. Estrogen or estrogen is the primary female sex hormone responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics. Phytoestrogens are good antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. They reduce the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, and menopausal symptoms.

Ashokarishta is Madhura/Sweet, Tikta/bitter, Kashaya/Astringent, Katu (pungent) Rasa (Taste), Sheet/ Cool (Potency) and Madhura/Sweet Vipaka (Post Digestive Effect). It is Laghu/Light in Guna (Characteristics). It is Tridosh-nashak and balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The ingredients are also having Rasayana, Vayahsthapana, Balya, Medhya, Manasdoshahara, and Vedanasthapana properties.

The ingredients which are used to make this medicine is also Tonic, anti-inflammatory, Balya | strength increasing, good for the brain, detoxifying and pain-relieving.

In Ayurveda, the main reason for all gynecological problem is Vata dosh. Ashokarishta pacifies the aggravated Vata Dosha. Ashokarishta also works on the digestive system and helps to improve appetite, digestion, and assimilation. It is Deepana and Pachana in action. It gives relief in dyspepsia, decreased appetite, flatulence, constipation. Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  1. Manufacturer: Many Ayurvedic Pharmacies
  2. Reference Text: Bhaishajya Ratnavali (Strirogadhikar)
  3. Synonyms: Asokarishtam, Asokarishtam
  4. Nature of Product: Self-generated alcoholic preparation.
  5. Availability:  Online and at medical stores
  6. Type of medicine: Classical Medicine
  7. Main Indication: Gynecological complaints, menorrhagia (dysfunctional uterine bleeding), excessive bleeding and pain during period, hormonal imbalance, cyst, polyps, white discharge and other diseases of genitourinary system of females.
  8. Suitable for: Females
  9. Dosha Effect: Balances Vata
  10. Side effects: Delayed Periods, Lesser bleeding during periods

Ingredients of Ashokarishta

Ashokarishta is a fermented liquid preparation, made with the ingredients in formulation composition given below. It contains not more than 10 percent, and not less than 5 percent of alcohol that is self-generated in the preparation over a period of time.

Formulation composition:

  1. Ashoka Saraca asoca St. Bk. 4.800 kg
  2. Jala for decoction Water 49.152 l reduced to 12.288 l
  3. Guda Jaggery 9.6 kg
  4. Prakshepa Dravya
  5. Dhataki Woodfordia fruticosa Fl. 768 g
  6. Ajaji (Shveta Jiraka) Cuminum cyminum Fr. 48 g
  7. Mustaka (Musta) Cyperus rotundus Rz. 48 g
  8. Shunthi Zingiber officinale Rz. 48 g
  9. Darvi (Daruharidra)) Berberis aristata St. 48 g
  10. Utpala Nymphaea stellata Fl. 48 g
  11. Haritaki Terminalia chebula P. 48 g
  12. Bibhitaka Terminalia belerica P. 48 g
  13. Amalaki Emblica officinalis P. 48 g
  14. Amrasthi (Amra) Mangifera indica Enm. 48 g
  15. Jiraka (Shveta Jiraka) Cuminum cyminum Fr. 48 g
  16. Vasa Adhatoda vasica Rt. 48 g
  17. Chandana (Shveta Candana) Santalum album Ht. Wd. 48 g

Method of preparation:

  1. Take the raw materials of pharmacopoeial quality.
  2. Wash, dry and powder the ingredient numbered 1 (Kvatha Dravya) of the formulation composition and pass through the sieve number 44 to obtain a coarse powder.
  3. Clean, dry and powder the ingredients numbered 5 to 16 (Prakshepa Dravya) of the formulation composition individually and pass through the sieve number 85 to obtain a fine powder. Add the specified amount of water to the Kvatha Dravya, soak overnight, heat, reduce to one fourth and filter through a muslin cloth to obtain Kvatha.
  4. Add the ingredient number 3 of the formulation composition to the Kvatha, allow to dissolve and filter through the muslin cloth.
  5. Transfer the filtrate to a clean container; add Dhataki and other finely powdered Prakshepa Dravyas.
  6. Seal the mouth of the container.
  7. Shift the container to the fermentation room and constantly check for the signs of completion of the fermentation process.
  8. Filter the fermented material through a clean muslin cloth.
  9. Pack in airtight containers and allow for maturation.

Description: Clear, dark brown liquid without frothing and significant sedimentation; with an astringent taste.

Storage: Store in a cool place in a tightly closed amber colored bottle, protect from light and moisture.

Ingredients of Ashokarishta

Ashoka bark is a uterine tonic and gives relief in uterine spasms, dysmenorrhoea, prolapse, miscarriage and irregular menstrual cycles. The bark has diuretic properties and indicated in scanty urine, calculus and also for other urinary disorders.  Ashok works because it has a stimulatory effect on the ovarian tissue, and exhibit an estrogen-like activity that enhances ovulation and repair of the endometrium.

Also Read: Ashoka Tree Bark Medicinal Usage

  1. Rasa (taste on the tongue): Kashaya (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter), Madhura (Sweet)
  2. Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light), Ruksha
  3. Virya (Action): Shita (Cooling)
  4. Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Katu (Pungent)
  5. Dhatu: Muscles, fat, reproductive system
  6. Srotas: Circulatory and reproductive

Triphala is a combination of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki and used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is a tonic for the whole body. It is being used in various gastric disorders including intestinal inflammation. It contains vitamin C, linoleic oil, phospholipids and other important nutrients. It is a rich source of tannins, which is known to affect the integrity of mucus membrane. Tannins with their protein precipitating and vasoconstriction effects could be advantageous in preventing ulcer development. It is a Rasayana drug and used for detoxifying and tonifying the body.

Also Read: Triphala Health Benefits and Medicinal Usage

  1. Rasa (taste on the tongue): Kashaya (Astringent), Madhura (Sweet), Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Amla (Sour)
  2. Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
  3. Virya (Action): Shita (Cooling)
  4. Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Madhura (Sweet)
  5. Dosha effect: Balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
  6. Dhatu (tissue): All tissues rejuvenated
  7. Srotas (channel): All channels cleansed, especially channels of elimination.

Triphala pacifies Vata-Vikar and cleanses the digestive tract. It aids elimination and purification. It tones and strengthens the digestive tract and promote regular and complete the evacuation of the bowels. It helps with the digestion and assimilation of food, improves blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory properties.

It revitalizes the whole body by removing toxins, gas, and distension whilst a nourishing the nervous system. It is good for anemia, fatigue, candida, cancer, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, yeast infections, indigestion, and skin disorders. Triphala is a rejuvenating tonic.

Also, read the benefits of fresh Triphala juice

Ashoka, Shunthi, Haritaki, Vasa, and Chandana are good for the heart and increases and strength. They are tonic which causes Dhatu Pushti.

Haritaki, Amalaki, and Utpala are tonic or Rasayan herb of Ayurveda. Musta, Ajaji, Sunthi, and Haritaki works on the digestive system and improves digestion and appetite. Utpala, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki work on brain and cures anxiety and sleep disturbances. Better digestion, assimilation, and elimination improves health and removes diseases.

Ayurvedic Action of Ashokarishta

  1. Asrigdara nashanam: Management of excessive bleeding during menstruation.
  2. Deepan: Enkindles the digestive fire.
  3. Garbhashaya rasayana: Uterine tonic.
  4. Garbhashaya: Affinity for the uterus
  5. Grahi: Inspissants; stomachic, digestive, and heating qualities dry the fluids of the body.
  6. Pachana: Directly ‘digest’ Ama. They do not necessarily stimulate digestion as well.
  7. Shothhar: Gives relief in swelling.
  8. Stambhan: Alleviates fluid leakage and diarrhea.
  9. Stri-rogajit: Treats gynecological conditions.
  10. Vedanasthapana: Gives relief in pain.

Biomedical Action of Ashokarishta

  1. Anti-menorrhagia: Prevents abnormally heavy flow in periods.
  2. Antiseptic: Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents.
  3. Antitoxin: Neutralises toxins.
  4. Astringents: Constrict tissues; styptic.
  5. Diuretic: Promoting excretion of urine/agent that increases the amount of urine excreted.
  6. Uterine styptic: Checks bleeding from the uterus.

Health Benefits of Ashokarishta

  1. It balances female hormones.
  2. It helps to regulate the menstrual cycle and ease the transition into menopause.
  3. It improves the endometrium and stimulates ovulation.
  4. It is alternative, uterine tonic and stimulant.
  5. It maintains a healthy production of female hormones.
  6. It maintains regular and healthy menses.
  7. It nourishes the blood and the reproductive system.
  8. It reduces bleeding and regulates the functions of female reproductive organs.
  9. It rejuvenates female reproductive organs and blood.

Important Medicinal Uses of Ashokarishta

Ashokarishta or Asokarishtam is a tonic for the female reproductive system. It strengthens the uterus, and balances hormones. It is useful in period related problems (dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia). It cures infertility and improves the chances of conceiving. It is a tonic that improves health and can be used for a long duration.

  1. Dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation that interferes with daily activities)
  2. Excessive discharge of blood during period
  3. Female hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorder
  4. Jvara (fever), Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Arsh/piles
  5. Mandagni/dyspepsia (painful, difficult, or disturbed digestion), tastelessness
  6. Meha or polyuria production of abnormally large volumes of dilute urine)
  7. Menorrhagia (from Latin Meno=of menstruation and -Rrhag=to burst; the medical term for menstrual periods with abnormally heavy or prolonged bleeding)
  8. Metrorrhagia (from Latin Metro=womb and -Rrhag=to burst; abnormal bleeding from the uterus)
  9. Pain in the female genital tract
  10. Prolonged or excessive uterine bleeding occurs irregularly and more frequently than normal
  11. Safed paani/shwet pradar (leucorrhoea whitish discharge from the female genitals)
  12. Shoth (inflammation)

The Dosage of Ashokarishta

  1. It is Asava-Arishta type of medicine of Ayurveda.
  2. The recommended dosage of medicine is 5ml to 24 ml.
  3. It should be taken twice or thrice a day.
  4. It is taken after mixing with an equal amount of water.
  5. It should be taken after having breakfast and dinner.
  6. Or should be taken as directed by a doctor.

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings

  1. It is completely safe to take this medicine in recommended doses.
  2. It may cause acidity and heartburn due to alcohol and sugars.
  3. It can be taken during periods to reduce pain and flow.
  4. It helps in heavy bleeding but not in scanty bleeding during periods.
  5. It works well in periods coming at a short interval.
  6. It may delay period.
  7. It may not be helpful in the delayed period occurring at the gap of a few months.
  8. It helps in long periods (more than 5 days) and heavy bleeding.
  9. It may reduce menstrual blood flow.
  10. It may not work as a single drug in case of abnormal bleeding from the uterus.
  11. It is not suitable for irregular periods. Instead, Kumaryasava should be used to improve menstrual flow and to regulate the cycle.
  12. It should not be taken during pregnancy.
  13. It can be used as a uterine tonic.
  14. It helps in female infertility to a hormonal problem.
  15. It does not treat blocked fallopian tubes but can be used in the treatment of female infertility to stimulate the production of healthy follicles.
  16. It contains not more than 10 percent, and not less than 5 percent of alcohol that is self-generated in the preparation over a period of time.
  17. You can take this medicine for one to two months for bleeding disorders, low appetite, digestive weakness, inflammation, etc.
  18. It can be taken during the perimenopausal period to reduce the bleeding.
  19. It contains jaggery and hence it is not suitable for a diabetic person.
  20. Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.
  21. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humour, and the properties of individual drugs.
  22. Keep away from the sight and reach of children.

Possible Combinations:

  1. For Leucorrhoea: Ashokarishta + Lodhra Churna or Pushyanug Churna or Chandraprabha Vati 2 tablets
  2. For Mild to Moderate Symptoms Of Menopausal Syndrome: Ashokarishta + Ashwagandha Churna + Praval Pishti.
  3. For Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): Ashokarishta + Aloe Vera Juice.
  4. For cyst in the ovary: Ashokarishta (30 ml twice a day, with an equal amount of water after the meal) + Trayodashang Guggulu (3 grams/day before a meal with lukewarm water) for 2 months.
  5. For healthy follicles, regulating periods: Ashokarishta (20 ml) + Dashmularishtha (20ml).
  6. For Painful Period With Scanty Bleeding: Ashokarishta (5ml) + Kumaryasava (20 ml),  with an equal amount of water after the meal.

Jirakadyarishta For for Intestinal and Gynecological disorders

 Pharmacies Making Ashokarishta

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores. Since it is a classical medicine, it is manufactured by many Ayurvedic pharmacies.

Name of some of the Ayurvedic Pharmacies manufacturing this medicine is given below:

  • Baidyanath Ashokarishta 680 ml @ INR 114.00, 450 ml @ INR 95.00, 225 ml @ INR 55.00
  • Dabur Ashokarishta Price: 450 ml for Rs 99; 680 ml @ Rs 119.00
  • Sandu Ashokarishta Price: 450 ml for Rs 148.00
  • Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited SDL Ashokarishta
  • Multani Ashokarishta
  • Patanjali Divya Pharmacy Ashokarishta (ASS)
  • AVP Asokarishtam
  • Kerala Asokarishtam
  • Ouashadsala Asokarishtam
  • Kottakal Asokarishtam
  • Nagarjuna Asokarishtam
  • and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.

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