Taramandura Guda is referenced from Bhaishajya ratnavali, Shularogadhikara (treatment of Gastric ulcer/Duodenal ulcer/Colic). It is a classical Ayurvedic medicine available in the form of tablets, and indicated to treat Anemia, Parinamasula (Duodenal ulcer), Ajirna (Dyspepsia or indigestion), intestinal parasites, and the disorders of the alimentary canal.
It is a Mandoor Kalp. Mandura Kalpa are the Shodhita Mandura (iron) containing herbomineral formulations of Ayurveda. Mandura is the combination of Ferric Oxide (59.14%), Ferrous Oxide (26.7%), Chlorides (4.4%), Magnesium (3.9%), Sodium (1.7%), and few bother trace elements.
For preparing Mandura Kalp, first Mandura is purified by as per Ayurveda. It is boiled in Gomutra till it becomes a paste. Then the powders mentioned in the yogas are added, and stirred well. While warm, Vatakas are prepared. This can be kept in powder form also. Mandura Kalp emit a strong smell of Gomutra, and are dark in color. These preserve their potency indefinitely. These should be kept away from moisture.
Taramandura Guda improves metabolism, and absorption of iron, and other nutrients, and thus provides body proper nourishment to rasa, and rakta dhatu. It significantly improves RBC, and hemoglobin level.
Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.
Ingredients of Taramandura Guda
- Vidanga (Fr.) 1 Part
- Chitraka (Rt.) 1 Part
- Chavya (St.) 1 Part
- Haritaki (P.) 1 Part
- Bibhitaka (P.) 1 Part
- Amalaki (P.) 1 Part
- Shunthi (Rz.) 1 Part
- Marica (Fr.) 1 Part
- Pippali (Fr.) 1 Part
- Lauha kitta (Mandura) 9 Parts
- Gomutra 18 Parts
- Guda 9 Parts
Vidanga has carminative, and hepatoprotective activity. It is anthelmintic, astringent, alterative, and tonic.
Chitrak reduces vata, and kapha, and increases pitta., It is stimulant, anthelmintic, and antiseptic. It is used in Ayurveda for colitis, indigestion, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, gas, and intestinal parasites.
Triphala (Amal + Harad + Baheda) is used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is a tonic for the whole body. It has been used in various gastric disorders including intestinal inflammation. Amla, has significant acid lowering, cooling, and anti-ulcer properties. Triphala is a rich source of tannins, which is known to affect the integrity of mucus membrane. Tannins with their protein precipitating, and vasoconstriction effects could be advantageous in preventing ulcer development.
Trikatu is a combination of dry ginger, black pepper, and long pepper. It is effective for burning ama (metabolic waste, and toxins) which is the prime cause of all disease. Trikatu supports better digestion, and cures constipation. It stimulates the liver to secrete bile which is vital for fat digestion, and absorption. It also balances Kapha.
Mandoor Bhasma increases hemoglobin level, and it gives strength, and cures anemia.
Trikatu, Aamalki, Mandura Bhasma have agnideepaka, Amapachaka, Raktavardhaka, and Srotoshodhaka properties.
Amla contains vitamin C, and helps in absorption of Iron.
Go-mutra is considered elixir of life, and used in the treatment of wide variety of diseases. It is the most effective natural remedy for the treatment of diseases. It has purifying action on the body. Its combination with iron, triphala cures anemia/ pandu.
Important Therapeutic Uses
- Paktishula (Duodenal ulcer)
- Kamala ( Jaundice)
- Pandu ( Anemia)
- Shotha (Inflammation)
- Agnimandya (Digestive impairment)
- Arsha ( Hmmorrhoids)
- Grahani (Malabsorption syndrome)
- Krimi Roga ( Worm infestation)
- Gulma (Abdominal lump)
- Amlapitta (Dyspepsia)
- Sthaulya (Obesity)
The Dosage of Taramandura Guda
500 mg to 1.5 g once or twice a day. Or take as directed by a physician.