Shothari Mandur Benefits and Uses

Know what is Shothari Mandur and what are causes and symptoms of Jaundice, anemia. Learn how to treat Jaundice, anemia using Shothari Mandur?

Shothari Mandur is a herbomineral Ayurvedic medicine. It is a classical medicine referenced from Bhaishajyaratnavali, Shotha Rogadhikara (treatment of inflammatory conditions). It is useful in the treatment of General swelling/ massive edema or anasarca. It is a medical condition characterized by widespread swelling of the skin due to effusion of fluid into the extracellular space.

Shothari Mandur is a Mandoor Kalp. Mandura Kalpas are the Shodhita Mandura (iron) containing herbomineral formulations of Ayurveda. Mandura is the combination of Ferric Oxide (59.14%), Ferrous Oxide (26.7%), Chlorides (4.4%), Magnesium (3.9%), Sodium (1.7%), and few bother trace elements. For preparing Mandura Kalp, first Mandura is purified by as per Ayurveda. It is boiled in Gomutra till it becomes a paste. Then the powders mentioned in the yogas are added, and stirred well. While warm, Vatakas are prepared. This can be kept in powder form also. Mandura Kalp emit a strong smell of Gomutra, and are dark in color. These preserve their potency indefinitely. These should be kept away from moisture.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

Ingredients of Shothari Mandur

  1. Mandura bhasma 336 g
  2. Nirgundi rasa (svarasa) (Lf.) Q.S. for Bhavana
  3. Manakakand svarasa (Rz.) Q.S. for Bhavana
  4. Ardraka rasa (Rz.) Q.S. for Bhavana
  5. Gomutra 2.688 l
  6. Haritaki (P.) 24 g
  7. Bibhitaka (P.) 24 g
  8. Amalaki (P.) 24 g
  9. Shunthi (Rz.) 24 g
  10. Maricha (Fr.) 24 g
  11. Pippali (Fr.) 24 g
  12. Chavya (St.) 24 g
  13. Madhu 96 ml

Method of Preparation

After Bhavana with item Nos. 2 to 4 in that order, Mandura Bhasma is soaked, and boiled in (item No. 5) Gomutra. Item No. 6 to 12 should then be added, and boiled till it becomes a thick paste. When it is cooled honey is to be added.

Key Ingredients

Mandura Bhasma is an iron based preparation is used in the treatment of anemia, poor digestion, skin diseases, dyspepsia, jaundice, hepatic, and splenic disorders, jaundice, and edema. It detoxifies blood. It is a powerful hematinic, and tonic cures anemia.

Mandura Bhasma is also effective in kidney diseases, and presence of albumin in the urine (albuminuria).

Triphala is a combination of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, and used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is a tonic for the whole body. It has been used in various gastric disorders including intestinal inflammation. It contains vitamin C, linoleic oil, phospholipids, and other important nutrients. It is a rich source of tannins, which is known to affect the integrity of mucus membrane. Tannins with their protein precipitating, and vasoconstriction effects could be advantageous in preventing ulcer development.It is a Rasayana drug, and used for detoxifying, and tonifying the body.

Triphala pacifies Vata-vikar, and cleanses the digestive tract. It aid to elimination, and purification. It tones, and strengthens the digestive tract, and promote regular, and complete the evacuation of the bowels. It helps with the digestion, and assimilation of food, improves blood circulation, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

It revitalizes the whole body by removing toxins, gas, and distension whilst a nourishing the nervous system. It is good for anemia, fatigue, candida, cancer, allergies, constipation, diarrhea, yeast infections, indigestion, and skin disorders.

Trikatu is a combination of dry ginger, black pepper, and long pepper (Sonth + Pippali + Kali Mirch). It is effective for burning ama (metabolic waste, and toxins) which is the prime cause of all disease. It supports better digestion, and cures constipation. It stimulates the liver to secrete bile which is vital for fat digestion, and absorption. It also balances Kapha.

Go-mutra is considered elixir of life, and used in the treatment of wide variety of diseases. It is the most effective natural remedy for the treatment of diseases. It has purifying action on the body. Its combination with iron, Triphala cures anemia/ pandu.

Benefits of Shothari Mandur

  1. It cures Iron deficiency anemia. It is safe, and effective Iron preparations.
  2. It protects the liver.
  3. It does not cause constipation.
  4. It gets easily absorbed in the body.
  5. It is light for digestion.
  6. It enhances digestive fire (Deepan).
  7. It improves appetite, and digestion.
  8. It is processed in go-mutra which is scientifically proven to treat wide variety of diseases. Cow urine is a proved bio enhancer.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Shothari Mandur

  1. Sarvanga Shotha (Anasarca)
  2. Diseases of the liver
  3. Jaundice
  4. Anemia

The Dosage of Shothari Mandur

1 or 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by a physician.

The adjunct/ Anupan, which is an administered along with or just after the medicine to enhance its therapeutic action, for this medicine is Go-mutra/ Punarnava Ras/ Dashmula Kwath0.

Please note, the doses of Ayurvedic medicines are not fixed. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera, and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores.

This medicine is manufactured by Baidyanath (Shothari Mandur), and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.

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