Rasashala Asanad Vati

Know the ingredients and uses of Rasashala Asanad Vati. Know the diseases in which this medicine is effective. This is very effective in diabetes. Learn how to use this medicine.

Asanad Vati is a polyherbal proprietary Ayurvedic medicine from Ayurveda Rasashala. This medicine is indicated in the management of diabetes or Madhumeha. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder causing excessive thirst, and the production of large amounts of urine. In this condition, the sugar or glucose level in blood increases. Unmanaged blood sugar or uncontrolled diabetes causes many complications such as neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, generalized degenerative changes in large, and small blood vessels, and increased susceptibility to infection.

Ayurveda Rasashala Asanad Vati, helps to control blood sugar in Diabetic patient.

In Ayurveda, the medicines prepared in the form of tablet or pills are known as Vati, and Gutika. Pills made of the plant drugs when kept in airtight containers can be used for two years.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

Ingredients of Asanad Vati

Each Tablets Contain

  1. Ghanasar 96 mg of Herbs: Saptaparni, Asan, Lodhra, Arjuna, Karanja, Khadir, Pooga, Saga, Indrayava, Shirisha, Wala, Mocharas, Palashabeej, Jeetasaya
  2. Shuddha Shilajit 96 mg
  3. Gudmar Patra 32mg
  4. Bhavana Kumari Aloe vera
  5. Excipients Q.S.

Key ingredients

Shilajit is made of decomposed centuries-old plants, and rocks under pressure. In Ayurveda, for medicinal purpose detoxified Shilajit is used which is known as Shuddha Shilajit. It is an adaptogen, and a major Ayurvedic rejuvenation tonic. It improves digestion, and assimilation. In Ayurveda, it is considered a medicine which has the ability to cure every disease. It is a highly condensed minerals, and amino acid. It slows aging, and degeneration.

Shilajit works on the reproductive organs, and it control blood sugar level, and improves immunity. It gives relief in chronic disorders, body pain, and diabetes. Its intake gives physical, mental, and sexual power.

Gymnema Sylvestre is known as Madhunashini (Sanskrit), and Gurmar/ Gudmar (Hindi) the literal meaning of all these word is one that destroys sugar. For the medicinal purpose mainly the leaf of the plant are used. The chewing of fresh leaves have the remarkable property of paralysing taste buds temporarily for sweet taste for some time. This effect is probably due to direct interaction of the active ingredients present in leaves (some oleanane type triterpene glycosides, called saponins) with the taste buds.

Benefits of Uses of Asanad Vati

  1. It helps to control blood sugar in diabetic patients.
  2. It also control urine sugar.
  3. It delays degenerative processes.
  4. It can be used as an adjuvant to antidiabetic treatment.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Asanad Vati

Management of blood sugar level in Diabetes or Madhumeha

The Dosage of Asanad Vati

2 to 3 tablets thrice a day after the meal with warm water or as directed by a physician.

Please note, the doses of Ayurvedic medicines are not fixed. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera, and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores.

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