Sivanar Amirtham is a traditional herbo-mineral formulation used for the treatment of various ailments in Siddha system of medicine. Sivanar amirtham is a combination of eight ingredients and has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic and analgesic activities. This medicine is useful in curing diseases due to derangement of vata, Pitta and kapha in the body.
Ingredients of Sivanar Amirtham
1 part each of Purified male fern rhizome, Purified mercury, Purified sulfur, Purified red orpiment, Borax dehydrated, Purified aconite, 1 part of Piper nigrum, piper longum, zingiber officinale, and 7 part of Piper nigrum
Uses of Sivanar Amirtham
- Rheumatic diseases, Arthritis, Vata diseases
- Respiratory diseases, Kapha diseases
- Pitta diseases
- Ascites, leprosy, colic, delirium, piles
- Insect bites (taken as Nasya/through nostrils)
The Dosage of Sivanar Amirtham Sivanar Amirtham
Take 100 to 200 mg twice a day with honey.
Best medicine