Himalaya Sunthi – Extract of Zingiber officinale

Know what are health benefits and medicinal uses of Himalaya Sunthi in Ayurveda. Learn some remedies of Himalaya Sunthi to treat your health problems.

Himalaya Sunthi is a pure herb extract of Sonth or Dry ginger. Each capsule contains 400mg extract of dry ginger.

Ginger is a warming spice and cures coldness. It promotes digestion and balances Vata. It is useful in various Vata Roga.  Dry ginger is pungent, hot, appetizer, aphrodisiac and cardiac tonic. It alleviates Kapha and Vata. It promotes good voice. It cures vibandha (constipation), anaha (obstruction to the movement of wind in the stomach) and Shula (colic pain). Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Manufacturer / Brand: Himalaya Drug Company
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Pure Herb extract of sunthi
  • Main Indication: Inflammation, Cough, Nausea, etc.
  • Biomedical action: Anti-inflammatory, Antiemetic and Digestive
  • Dhatu (tissue): All tissues
  • Srotas (channel): Digestive, respiratory, circulatory
  • MRP/Price: Himalaya Punarnava 60 Capsules, @ Rs 110.00

Ingredients of Himalaya Sunthi

Each capsule contains 400mg extract of Sunthi

Ayurvedic Properties and Action

Dry ginger (Zingiber officinale) is known as Shunthi and Nagara in Ayurveda. Ginger is also called Viswa Bheshaj, as it is a universal medicine beneficial for everyone in all diseases.  It is hot, light and dry. It warms coldness, is easy to digest and dries wetness. Shunthi treats kapha in the rasa dhatu.

  • Rasa (taste on the tongue): Madhura (Sweet), Katu (Pungent)
  • Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light), Tikshna (Sharp), Ruksha (Dry)
  • Virya (Action): Ushna (Heating)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Madhura (Sweet)

It is Madhur Viapka. Therefore, its long-term effect is anti-inflammatory and a nourishing while its initial activity is warm and stimulating to digestion. It blocks inflammatory prostaglandins and thromboxane.

Ayurvedic Action

  1. Amanashak: Destroys toxins or Ama and of the wastes.
  2. Arshoghna: Antihaemorrhoidal remedy.
  3. Chhardi nigrahana: Antiemetic herb.
  4. Deepan: Enkindles the digestive fire.
  5. Grahi: Dry the moisture of the body
  6. Pachana: Digests Ama but does not increase appetite.
  7. Pittavardhak: Increases Pitta.
  8. Shitaprashamana: Reduces coldness.
  9. Vata-Kaphahar: Pacifies Vata and Kapha.
  10. Yogavahi: Catalyst herbs. When mixed with another herb it enhances action.

Biomedical Action

  1. Anticatarrhal:  Remove excess mucus from the body.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
  3. Antispasmodic: Relieve spasm of involuntary muscle.
  4. Appetizer: Improves appetite.
  5. Carminative: Preventing the formation or causing the expulsion of flatulence.
  6. Cholagogue: Promotes the discharge of bile from the system, purging it downward.
  7. Digestive stimulant: promotes digestion.
  8. Emmenagogue: Stimulates or increases menstrual flow.
  9. Hypotensive: Lower blood pressure.

Benefits of Himalaya Sunthi

  1. It is a digestive stimulant.
  2. It helps in reducing nausea and upset stomachs.
  3. It is antipyretic, analgesic, antitussive and hypotensive actions.
  4. It helps to reduce inflammation; hence, it can be used to treat inflammatory disorders such as arthritis.
  5. It helps to digest fatty foods and break down proteins.
  6. It is also effective in reducing abdominal gaseous distension
  7. It controls infectious diarrhea by slowing down bacterial metabolism which suppresses toxin production.
  8. It nourishes the Shukra dhatu.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Himalaya Sunthi

  1. Ama Dosha
  2. Arthritis
  3. Arthritis, inflammatory conditions
  4. Cough/phlegm, coldness
  5. Gas, flatulence, griping, indigestion
  6. Indigestion
  7. Nausea (postoperative, travel sickness),

The Dosage of Himalaya Sunthi

  • The recommended dosage of medicine is One capsule.
  • It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • It is to be taken with water.
  • Or take as directed by a doctor.

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings

  1. It is completely safe to take this medicine in recommended doses.
  2. Take cautiously in the high Pitta with heartburn, ulcers, and sweating.
  3. Take cautiously in the high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, gastro-oesophageal reflux and skin diseases with inflammation.
  4. Ginger should not be used in medicinal dose during pregnancy.
  5. It should not be used in gallstones.
  6. It may increase the absorption of the allopathic medication.
  7. It may reduce the effect of antacids, as it increases gastric secretions.
  8. Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.
  9. The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.
  10. Keep away from the sight and reach of children.

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