Exposure to sunlight may cause excessive UV radiation on skin. UV radiation buns skin which cause serious problem. Usually normal sun burn heals itself in a week and additionally you can use following home remedies to treat sun burn.
Using baking soda:
Mix baking soda in water and wash face with it.
Using aloe vera gel:
Take aloe vera gel and apply on skin for 10-20 mins.
Using potato:
Take potato wash and peel and make paste of it and apply on skin.
Using vitamin E capsule:
Take vitamin E capsule and break it and apply at affected area.
Using milk:
Apply raw milk on skin for 10 mins and wash when it get dried. Do not apply any cream after washing.
Using avocado:
Mash avocado and mix with olive oil and aloe vera gel and apply on the affected area.
Using green tea:
Warm water and put green tea bag in it and let it cool and apply on skin.