Freckles are small darker spot of the pigment melanin on the skin. It is also known as ?jhaiya? in hindi.
Take lemon juice, orange peel powder, rose water, besan and mix in yoghurt. Apply this ubtan on the face till it dries then wash with cold water. Do it for a few days.
Mix well turmeric(1/2 tbsp), camphor(1/2 tbsp), lemon juice(1/2) and apply on the face.
Hair graying
Boil lemon peel in water and wash hair with this boiled water to prevent hair graying. Or mix coconut oil and lemon juice and massage scalp with this oil for 15 mins.
Massage hands and nails with lemon peel to get clean and glowing skin.
Dry lemon peel and make powder and use this to massage gums and teeth.